Norwegian version of this page

Artistic Research in film and related audio-visual art forms

The new PhD program at the Norwegian Film School (DNF) is anchored in artistic practice. The field of study is "film and related audio-visual art forms," and it is open to both those working within more traditional film disciplines and practitioners exploring new technologies and formats.

Since 1997, the Norwegian Film School has trained creative and innovative filmmakers for the feature film and TV drama industries in Norway and Scandinavia. The educational programmes have helped raise the profile of Norwegian film and has garnered a significant international reputation.

The artistic and professional field in which the Norwegian Film School operates is rapidly evolving and changing. New technologies are transforming work processes in audio-visual productions and allow for new formats on new platforms.

Dame i lilla kjole balanserer på kant av svømmebasseng mens hun filmes.

Photo: Kjell Vassdal

In parallel, studies are being conducted into new artistic and aesthetic forms of expression and storytelling. The industries are rapidly changing regarding formats and distribution models. There is a great need for artists who, through their own investigative practices, can engage with these new artistic expressions, formats, and technologies. These studies are central to the artistic development work at the Norwegian Film School.

The subject area for the PhD programme at the Norwegian Film School is artistic research in film and related audio-visual arts. Artistic practice shall form the core of the artistic doctoral outcome. At the same time, the artistic practice must be accompanied by an explicit reflection, which, when the project is presented, allows others to take part in the way of working and potential insights made possible through the artistic research.

Candidates have access to relevant and qualified academic supervision in dialogue with active artistic communities at a high international level. The artistic doctoral results must be at a level that ensures national and international relevance.

Contact information

Picture of Trond Lossius
PhD Leader
Picture of Linda Tangen Bjørge
PhD Coordinator